10 Benefits Pemogranate To Pregnant Mother-Part 2

10 Benefits Pemogranate To Pregnant Mother-Part 2

The pomegranate, also known as ‘rumman’ in Arabic, is a shrub that grows between three to six meters tall. The fruit is round and green when young, changing to yellow, red, and green as it matures. Its many seeds are red or translucent pink with a sweet-tart flavor, making it very appealing to pregnant women.

So, why is pomegranate highly recommended for pregnant women? Here are another few reasons why this fruit should be included in a pregnant woman’s diet:

  1. Reducing the Risk of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
    Pomegranates contain phytochemicals that are excellent for heart health and can help control high blood pressure. Consuming pomegranate regularly, especially after 20 weeks of pregnancy, can help prevent the risk of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that affects blood pressure and other organ systems, while eclampsia involves seizures or convulsions due to high blood pressure during pregnancy.

  2. Source of Vitamin K for Mother and Baby
    Pomegranates are rich in Vitamin K, which helps strengthen the mother's bones and supports the development of strong bones in the growing baby. Vitamin K also speeds up the recovery process of blood and tissue in the body. Therefore, consuming pomegranates continuously during pregnancy and postpartum is beneficial. After childbirth, Vitamin K aids in faster recovery of blood and tissue, and a deficiency in Vitamin K could lead to excessive bleeding during delivery.

  3. Rich in Folate
    Drinking a cup of fresh pomegranate juice provides about a quarter of the recommended folate intake during pregnancy. Folate is essential for the healthy development of the baby's mind and body. Additionally, folate in pomegranates reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the fetal spine and prevents cleft lip in the baby.

  4. Antioxidant Power for Pregnancy
    Pomegranates have a higher antioxidant content compared to cranberries and green tea. The specific antioxidants in pomegranates, such as polyphenols, help protect the baby's brain from oxygen deprivation during birth. A study published in Pediatric Research found that consuming pomegranate juice throughout pregnancy can protect the newborn’s brain. Furthermore, these antioxidants help repair harmful free radicals affecting the placenta and boost the mother's immune system to fight infections.

  5. Provides Essential Nutrients
    The high Vitamin C content in pomegranates is ideal for pregnant women as it aids in tissue repair, cancer prevention, and cholesterol control. When tissues are repaired, the body functions better in absorbing iron and other nutrients. As a result, mothers get sufficient nutrients and support better fetal development. According to Medical News Today, pomegranates contain various vitamins, proteins, potassium, and fiber, as well as ascorbic acid and fumaric acid, all crucial for pregnant women.

  6. Boosts Immunity
    Pomegranates can enhance the immune system, especially for pregnant women with weaker immunity and susceptibility to illness. Pomegranates are effective in boosting the body’s immune system due to their high and diverse vitamin content. Besides antioxidants, pomegranates can help recover from other diseases such as heart and kidney diseases.

Maintaining a proper diet is crucial for pregnant women, and many foods are effective in supporting health during pregnancy. Pomegranates are one such food, offering numerous benefits for both the mother and the baby, including supporting fetal development and overall health.

We hope that all pregnant women who include pomegranates in their daily diet—whether fresh or juiced—experience optimal health benefits for themselves and their babies!

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