10 Benefits Pomegranate To Pregnant Mother-Part 1

10 Benefits Pomegranate To Pregnant Mother-Part 1

If pregnant women are considering additional benefits for their pregnancy, pomegranate is the answer. Not only because of its appealing taste and shape, but this fruit is also incredibly nutritious and beneficial. It has become almost a ‘must-have’ for pregnant women as a supplementary diet.

The pomegranate, also known as ‘rumman’ in Arabic, is a shrub that can grow from three to six meters tall. The fruit is round, green when young, and turns yellow, red, and green when mature or ripe. Its many seeds are red or translucent pink with a sweet-tart flavor, making it very appealing to pregnant women.

So, why is pomegranate highly recommended for pregnant women? Here are a few reasons why this fruit should be included in a pregnant woman’s diet:

  1. Preventing Anemia
    Iron is a crucial mineral for the formation of hemoglobin (red blood cells). Consuming pomegranate, which is rich in iron, helps pregnant women avoid anemia (a deficiency in red blood cells/RBCs). Pomegranate is also high in vitamin C, which enhances the body's ability to absorb iron. Vitamin C and iron work together to reduce the risk of anemia, which can lead to premature birth and other adverse effects on pregnancy.

  2. Supporting Digestive Health
    Half a cup of pomegranate seeds contains five grams of fiber, which meets a quarter of the recommended fiber intake for pregnant women. The fiber in pomegranate aids in smooth bowel function and provides comfort. Pregnant women often experience discomfort and constipation, so incorporating pomegranate into their diet can be a better and safer solution for digestive issues.

  3. Reducing Placental Issues
    Placental problems are a significant concern for pregnant women, but the risk can be reduced by consuming pomegranate juice. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology in 2012 found that pomegranate juice can reduce this risk. Placental issues stem from oxidative stress, which can lead to premature birth, preeclampsia, and other complications. The high antioxidant content in pomegranate helps protect both the mother and the fetus from such issues.

  4. Preventing Body Aches and Cramps
    Pregnant women often experience muscle cramps and body aches. Including pomegranate in the daily diet is beneficial because its potassium content is important for nerve and muscle health. Potassium also helps maintain electrolyte balance, indirectly preventing such discomforts.

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